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Method Putkisto Institute

Become a Method Putkisto instructor at the top school for body control


"We are a family - not a factory"

We have successfully trained instructors for 30 years. Join our skilled team!


Method Putkisto focuses on well-being and the freedom of movement. The method delivers fascinating results, proving to be both effective and versatile in its impact on human well-being.

Pursue a career where you can thrive and bring well-being and beauty to your clients

Whether you aspire to be an expert in body control, a recovery coach, or a professional in facial training, this is your path. Become a successful entrepreneur in the wellness industry by studying at Finland's most experienced body control school, which also offers a springboard for entrepreneurship.

Method Putkisto is based on systematic exercises tailored to your body’s needs, guided by highly trained instructors.


Method Putkisto Instructor and Coach Training

We offer a wide range of training programmes, encompassing six different Method Putkisto disciplines, each with its own specialized course: MP Original, MP Pilates (including Pilates equipment), MP Face Clinic (MP Face Up), MP Light Programme, MP Top Mover, and MP Recovery Skills. Additionally, we provide training to enhance professional skills, such as individual coaching, online presentation skills, movement analysis, and movement development.


Learn how to beautify the face naturally with Nordic exercises

Face Up Instructor training


Learn how to manage your own stress and share recuperation as a skill to feel well and energised

Stress Recovery Coach training

Service development

The strength of Method Putkisto lies in its active and systematic product development, continually offering solutions that meet current needs. This ensures high customer satisfaction, loyalty, and continuous growth.

"The value of systematic product development is greater than often realized. In our business training, we focus on enhancing students' ability to leverage this unique opportunity." — Pirjo Jokipii, MP Business Trainer

  • You’re seeking a new profession/career as a deep stretching and body control instructor

  • You would like an additional source of income

  • You’re exploring new ways to operate in your current profession

  • You wish to improve your posture and understand your own body better

  • You aspire to work that enhances well-being for both yourself and your clients

  • You’re inspired by the healing effects of movement

  • Are inspired by the healing effects of movement

This training is for you if


The training is a blended learning programme lasting approximately one year. It includes both in-person and remote teaching days. The learning process is deepened through supervised learning with a work coach, involving personal practice (self-training), observation and assistance sessions, as well as practice classes offered to clients.

The training focuses on exercises that improve flexibility and mobility, balance the body, and provide therapeutic benefits.

Method Putkisto training is grounded in anatomy, physiology, and the principles of biomechanics. The pedagogical methods of Method Putkisto ensure clear guidance and instruction, leading to precise and effective results.

The training will take place as a hybrid, ie. online and/or on-site.
Physical Method Putkisto training location is at our London Studio.

DOUBLE CERTIFICATION - Discover the popular double certification option. When you choose a second discipline alongside your initial training, you can save up to £250 on combined training costs.

ONE COURSE AT A TIME - You can start the training with a single online course, making it more manageable both in terms of time and finances. Ask for more details.

Training locations

Current instructors' feedback

"I have learned a LOT! The more I internalize, the more I want to learn in greater detail. The journey has only just begun." Kirsti

"I have gained so much from these studies that have enriched both my work and my thinking. It’s a way to approach movement holistically, not just as a separate exercise method. The exploratory atmosphere and new ways of thinking have been the best parts of the training for me." Jarmo K.

"I have added variety to my company's services, and my instruction has become more meaningful with several complementary areas in my repertoire." Hanna


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If you have any questions, send us a message using the message box below and we will contact you shortly.

I'm interested in
Stress Recovery Coach training
Facial Exercising Instructor training
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